My Ideal World

Welcome to Phoenix! My ideal world is a planet next to earth called Phoenix. It is a planet about half the size of earth. Phoenix is red, orange, and yellow. There are 8 countries and it is separated into two different sections, water and land. The water section is for animals that live near water, and for people that like living near beaches and lakes. The land part still has water like lakes and rivers, but it’s for land animals and people. The weather on Phoenix is usually good, but occasionally there are thunderstorms. The temperature usually ranges from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. There is no climate change, racism, or sexism on Phoenix. There is no poaching or shooting people. No one is homeless. There is no war.

Phoenix has all different types of animals. No animals are extinct other than the dinosaurs. There are many zoos. There is a main zoo in every country. Each zoo has 3 million acres and they feature many different animals. People can have pets but they can not own wild animals.

The type of government in Phoenix is Representative Democracy. In every country there is a different president that rules. The president lives in a big mansion called the Black House. Every 3 years, there will be an election. The currency on Phoenix is called Bank. Money ranges from 1 Bank Bills, to 100 Bank Bills. You can order things online from the specific store’s website; there is no amazon.

There isn’t race on Phoenix, but people have different skin colors. There is also nature on Phoenix. There are many different plants, trees, and landscapes. One main tourist attraction is Mount Quinn. Mount Quinn is a 8,642 foot mountain with lots of snow at the top. There are also many different cultures and food that come from many places around earth that visitors bring.

Phoenix has lots of advanced technology, like the US has today. Phoenix has things like flying cars and flying hover boards. There is also a lot of advanced medicine like a cure for cancer, Alzheimer, and many other diseases.

Phoenix is a great place for people of all ages. It has entertainment, nature, technology, animals, and more! I hope you will consider visiting or living on Phoenix!