

created a ted talk for Language Arts. My Ted like talk was about Bernedoodles (a dog breed). I chose that topic because I love dogs, and I have a Bernedoodle. The talk had to be about 5 minutes long. I also got inspiration from watching other people’s talks and greeting feedback from peers, parents, and teachers. Some tips I used while I was making my ted talk were,

  • If you have multiple photos, use a black background
  • Most photos should be “full bleed” or cover the entire screen
  • Use 24 point or larger font size
  • Think simplicity and contrast
  • Don’t put everything you are going to say on a slide
  • Give image credits
  • Rarely show video clips longer than 30 seconds
  • Use two transitions: none or dissolve (less than half a second)
  • Save your work!

I really enjoyed this project because even though I knew a lot about Bernedoodles already, I learned a lot more. I also learned many tips about public speaking.

Dogs and Cats

I like all animals (other than rodents) but personally, I think dogs are better than cats. I think this because all my encounters with cats have been bad. All encounters with dogs have been pretty good. Also, dogs run around and love you unconditionally. Kittens are cute, but once they get older, all they do is sit on beds, hide behind things, and make weird noises. Some people say having a dog is too much work because you have to walk them. I enjoy walking my dog and it gives me a reason to go outside. Cats go to the bathroom in litter boxes which are in your house, and then your house smells bad. 

I asked twenty people if they liked dogs or cats. Fifteen people said they liked dogs better , and five people said they liked cats better. That is another thing to show why I think dogs are better than cats.

I have a dog. Her name is Bailey and she’s a Bernedoodle (Bernese Mountain Dog + Poodle).  She’s 3. Bailey loves to run around, eat things she’s not supposed to be eating, and lick people. She’s nice, friendly, cute, playful, and funny. These are my reasons why I think dogs are better than cats.